Office 365 Configuration To Send Logs To AIS Managed SIEM
2 minute read
- At least one Microsoft 365 E5 license is required on office 365 tenant
- Need to log in with Office 365 Account that has Security Admin and Compliance Admin permissions
- Log in to Office 365 Admin.
- Enable mailbox auditing in Office 365 using PowerShell (1-2019, MS enabled auditing by default BK)
- Enable Exchange Online tracking -
- Enable auditing.
- Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq “UserMailbox”} | Set-Mailbox -AuditEnabled $true
- Configure auditing.
- Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq “UserMailbox”} | Set-Mailbox -AuditOwner @{Add=MailboxLogin”,“HardDelete”,“SoftDelete”}
- Validate audit settings.
- Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq “UserMailbox”} | FL Name,Audit*
- Confirm account used has Security Admin and Compliance Admin permissions.
- Office 365 Admin-gtAdmin Centers-gtSecurity Compliance-gtPermissions-gtCompliance Administrator(checkbox)-gtMembers-gtEdit-gtChoose Members-gtAdd.
- Click checkbox next to “Account Name”.
- Click “Add”.
- Click “Done”.
- Click “Save”.
- Security Administrator(checkbox)-gtMembers-gtEdit-gtChoose Members-gtAdd-gtClick checkbox next to Account Name-gtClick Add-gtClick Done-gtSave-gtClose
- In Security Compliance Center, go to “Search investigation”.
- Click “Audit log search”.
- Click “Start recording user and admin activities”. (Note: If this option is not shown, that means Audit logging is already enabled, proceed to next step.)
- Click or Security Compliance-gtAlerts-gtManage advanced alerts.
- Click checkbox “Turn on Office 365 Cloud App Security”
- Click “Go to Office 365 Cloud App Security”.
- Note: If this option is not shown, it’s likely the Microsoft 365 E5 license is not present or not assigned to a user.
- On the left hand side, hover over the icon second to last from the bottom and select “Control”.
- Click “Policies”.
- Review to ensure policies are enabled, if Malware detection is disabled, click the 3 vertical dots on the right-hand side, then click “Enable”.
- Click the “Settings” Gear on top right of page:
- Security Extensions-gtSIEM Agents-gtClick + sign on the right-side to add-gtStart Wizard-gtAdd Agent Name:
- Select your SIEM: Format Generic CEF-gtAdvanced Settings
- Click checkboxes for “Include PRI” and “Include System Name”
- Click “Next”.
- Enter the remote syslog host.
- Enter the remote syslog port.
- Select the remote syslog protocol:
- UDP-gtNext-gtEnsure that the slider on the right-side is enabled for both “All Alerts” and “All Activities”.
- Click “Close”.
- Log in to AIS Foreman
- Go to Cron Job Puppet Class:
- Click “Smart Class Parameter”.
- Click “Jobs” on the left side.
- Scroll down, find the line.
- Click the two arrows next to the “Value” field on this line to expand the values.
- Add another “Command” entry to the bottom, following the exact same format as the others.
- Click the two arrows at the top right to collapse the field.
- Click “Submit”.
Last modified
April 15, 2021